If you
haven't already seen the PASS Women in Technology March Webinar on Unconscious
Bias and Gender Inequality, then you’re really missing out. You can find it here:
submitted a session to SQL Saturday Atlanta
Women in Technology:
Identifying, Understanding and Combating Gender Bias.
Abstract: Gender Bias is something we’re all guilty of. It’s
typically unconscious and often stems from long held misperceptions about women
and job responsibilities. We’ll learn about the origins of some of these
biases and how to identify gender bias when we see it. We’ll discuss some
strategies for how both men and women can combat this at work and in our everyday
lives. This session is about developing positive solutions to a problem that
often goes undiscussed.
How about something a bit more overt?
A elementary classroom experiment on Gender Bias... The first graders started brainstorming a list of words that
spontaneously come to mind when they think of “girls” and “boys”.
Then they temporarily disregarded the lists and asked the
students to raise a hand if one of these words applied to them, as we read
words from BOTH the girls’ and boys’ lists. Girls comfortably raised their
hands for words like “soccer,” “powerful,” “hard challenges,” and “Karate”; and
boys raised their hands for words like “feelings,” “ponies,” and “peaceful.”
Products are marketed to women in the stupidest imaginable way.
As I’m looking
through sources for the article, I thought I should share them with you. This will help you get a more complete
picture of the problem. These sites help
identify gender bias for what it is, offer positive solutions & ways to
combat it and frankly, educate people on all aspects of the problem.